2019/04/12(五) 從「區塊鏈革命」談台灣年輕人的機會

三、活動目的:Connecting Taiwan 講座系列活動,讓旅美專家學者與台灣學子分享「畢生所學」
10:00~10:20 報到進場 播放Connecting.TW 介紹影片
10:20~10:25 開幕致詞 貴賓
10:25~10:30 講者簡介 包蒼龍 教授
10:30~11:30 專題演講:吳陵(Ling Wu)
11:30~11:50 問題與討論 包蒼龍 教授
Ling Wu is the Co-Chairman, Carrier Blockchain Study Group (CBSG) Consortium Founder and CEO, TBCASoft, Inc. Ling Wu is a mathematician, a physicist, an engineer, and a business development pioneer leading talented multinational teams developing innovative technologies and business globally.
Ling is the Founder and CEO of TBCASoft, Inc., the leading cross-carrier blockchain technology company based in Silicon Valley, California. He is also Co-Chairman of the Carrier Blockchain Study Group (CBSG) Consortium. In September 2017, TBCASoft and SoftBank launched the CBSG Consortium with a plan to build a cross-carrier blockchain platform for telecom operators around the world.
CBSG is the first and leading blockchain consortium specifically focused on blockchain
technology for the telecommunications industry. Prior to founding TBCASoft, Ling Wu played many key roles in BroadVision, the pioneer e-commerce technology company based in Silicon Valley; and Oracle Corp., the multinational computer technology corporation headquartered in Silicon Valley.
Ling Wu holds an MS degree of Scientific Computing and Computational Mathematics from Stanford University, and a BS degree of Physics from National Taiwan University.
三、活動目的:Connecting Taiwan 講座系列活動,讓旅美專家學者與台灣學子分享「畢生所學」
10:00~10:20 報到進場 播放Connecting.TW 介紹影片
10:20~10:25 開幕致詞 貴賓
10:25~10:30 講者簡介 包蒼龍 教授
10:30~11:30 專題演講:吳陵(Ling Wu)
11:30~11:50 問題與討論 包蒼龍 教授
Ling Wu is the Co-Chairman, Carrier Blockchain Study Group (CBSG) Consortium Founder and CEO, TBCASoft, Inc. Ling Wu is a mathematician, a physicist, an engineer, and a business development pioneer leading talented multinational teams developing innovative technologies and business globally.
Ling is the Founder and CEO of TBCASoft, Inc., the leading cross-carrier blockchain technology company based in Silicon Valley, California. He is also Co-Chairman of the Carrier Blockchain Study Group (CBSG) Consortium. In September 2017, TBCASoft and SoftBank launched the CBSG Consortium with a plan to build a cross-carrier blockchain platform for telecom operators around the world.
CBSG is the first and leading blockchain consortium specifically focused on blockchain
technology for the telecommunications industry. Prior to founding TBCASoft, Ling Wu played many key roles in BroadVision, the pioneer e-commerce technology company based in Silicon Valley; and Oracle Corp., the multinational computer technology corporation headquartered in Silicon Valley.
Ling Wu holds an MS degree of Scientific Computing and Computational Mathematics from Stanford University, and a BS degree of Physics from National Taiwan University.